Thursday 22 December 2011

Personalised wheelie bin stickers Australia

Personalised wheelie bin stickers. That’s what we do.
Create your own sticker design. That’s what you do.

Want a photo of Granny on your bin? Don’t know why, but no problems, make a wheelie bin sticker with Granny on it here. Want to scare the neighbours cat with a picture of your poodle, Puffy? No problems, make a wheelie bin sticker with Puffy on it here. Want to stop that someone in the street from surreptitiously swapping their bin with yours? No problems, make a wheelie bin sticker with your address on it here… but I’d still be keeping an eye out for those suspect bin swapping types as well.

To Personalise wheelie bin stickers please visit and click demo video for more help.

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